Page 1: Reflecting on the virtual learning systems – extinction or evolution?
Lawrie Phipps, Dave Cormier and Mark Stiles
Page 4: Riding the elephant: thoughts on the implications of e-portfolios for staff developers
Janet Strivens
Page 7: Not another strategy? Linking the Learning and Teaching and Human Resource Strategies via the development of a Professional Doctorate
Helen Gale
Page 11: Trying something different: risk taking in professional development
Professor Ranald Macdonald FSEDA
Page 14: Writer’s retreat: reshaping academic writing practices
Rowena Murray
Page 16: Making the case for staff networks
Dr Scott Gaule and Meriel Box
Page 20: Discipline-based Support for Early Career Academics: Subject Centres and the Professional Standards Framework
Helen King
Page 25: Re-aligning assurance and enhancement: Quality Management at the University of Bath
Gwen van der Velden
Page 28: How I write books and get them published
Maxine Alterio
Page 29: Book Review
Liz McKenzie
Page 32: Training the cat-herders! Transition development for newly appointed academic leaders
Jacqueline Tuson
A member of the International Consortium for Educational Development