SEDA was formed in 1993 by the merger of the Standing Conference on Educational Development (SCED) and the Staff Development Group of the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). The Association for Education and Training Technology merged with SEDA in 1996.
“A short history of SEDA” , pictured above, was prepared in 2013 to coincide with SEDA’s 20th anniversary. In the course of preparing “A short history of SEDA”, the authors compiled materials which were too extensive to include in the publication but which supported the text. They are the Members of SEDA Committees up to 2008 sampled every 5 years, and a Timeline of Reform in UK Post Compulsory Education 1992-2012.
Other historical material is now included in this web site:
Conference and events
Research grants
SEDA’s Publications
The Roll of Honour
The Constitution