SFSEDA identifies me to myself as a member of the most nurturing professional community I have ever met.

Who is the SFSEDA Programme for?

Senior Fellowship of SEDA (SFSEDA) is suitable for individuals leading academic development policy, practice or scholarship, who bring about institutional or organisational change in academic development and whose work has had a significant impact on the academic development community beyond their own institution. This may include those in senior roles in institutions, senior independent academic development consultants, National Teaching Fellows (or equivalent) working in academic development, as well as senior post holders in academic development related professional bodies.

How do you achieve senior fellowship of SEDA?

Successful applicants for Senior Fellowship will provide a portfolio of work which demonstrates engagement with the Core Development Outcomes; the SFSEDA Specialist Outcomes and demonstrates how the applicant’s work is informed by, and promotes, the SEDA Values.

SEDA runs an annual cohort-based approach to SFSEDA, which is designed so that participants can benefit from each other’s reflections, feedback and support as their SFSEDA applications progress. Specifically, the model is designed to support progress with your submission in the following ways:

  • By providing a timescale to encourage completion (this can be an issue for people in senior roles)
  • By nurturing a supportive cohort to provide developmental opportunities for discussing your ideas and reflections
  • By providing opportunities to help you better understand the requirements for SFSEDA

In addition, each candidate will be individually supported by an experienced mentor who already holds SFSEDA.

The 2024-25 cohort will start on 1st October 2024 with submission of the final portfolio due on 1st March 2025.

Core development outcomes

Your submission should include an action plan which covers at least one complete development cycle. It should show that you have:

  1. Identified your own professional development goals, directions and/or priorities
  2. Planned for your initial and/or continuing professional development
  3. Undertaken appropriate development activities
  4. Reviewed your development and your practice, and the relations between them.

You should also demonstrate that you have identified your current approach and capabilities, your future development needs and show how you plan to remain in good standing.

Specialist outcomes

Recipients of the Senior Fellowship are required to demonstrate how they have, within their particular context(s):

  1. Provided a sustained contribution to the improvement of education through academic development
  2. Given service to the community if developers
  3. Contributed to the body of professional knowledge and practice in academic development.


Recipients of the Senior Fellowship will have shown how their work is informed by each of the SEDA values, namely commitments to:

  1. Developing understanding of how people learn
  2. Practising in ways that are scholarly, professional and ethical
  3. Working with and developing learning communities
  4. Valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity
  5. Continually reflecting on practice to develop ourselves, others and processes

This is demonstrated through a 2500-word reflective commentary, or equivalent, which shows how your work is informed by, and promotes, the five SEDA Values.

A supporting letter from an independent referee will confirm the relevance and accuracy of your claims.

How much does it cost?

One-off registration and assessment fee = £570 for Individual SEDA members & £670 for non-members
Recurrent annual cost, payable upon completion of SFSEDA = £47 (Senior Fellowship fee) + £129 (Individual Membership of SEDA)

Note on withdrawals/deferrals: If withdrawing within two weeks of the cohort start date a refund less a 15% administrative charge will be made,after that the option to defer to the next cohort is offered and no refund can be given if this option is not taken up. In the case if an exceptional circumstance the SEDA office will consider these on a case by case basis but a minimum of a 15% administrative charge will apply to any refund.

Continuing professional development

SEDA is committed to continuing professional development. Individuals holding a Senior Fellowship are required to engage in a regular CPD process in order to remain ‘in good standing’. For further details click here.

There is a register of all categories of Fellowship holders on the SEDA website.


If you are interested in pursuing SFSEDA please complete the diagnostic form and email it to the Senior Fellowship Scheme Lead by 16th September 2024, who will have an initial discussion with you about your role, past experience and suitability for SFSEDA.

Senior Fellowship Scheme Lead: Erik Brogt


SFESDEA Handbook 2024-5 to be released shortly
SFSEDA Handbook 2023-24 for information