This issue contains articles on:The Art of Teaching in Small Groups 2 Sally Brown (University of Northumbria at Newcastle) continues her two-part series by suggesting a whole repertoire of practical ways to make learning more active in small group settings. Assessing the Assessment of Universities’ Quality J.M. Wober and G. Middleham (Bournemouth University) examine the data behind the university league tables published in The Times. Recruiting Good Teachers David Gosling (University of East London) suggests practical ways in which appointment panels can ensure their judgements about a candidate’s teaching ability are more reliable. Academic Iatrogenesis Mike Hayes (University of Wales Institute, Cardiff) suggests that issues of academic standards are best understood via a medical model. And just as doctors may create illnesses in their patients, so academics may induce sickness in their own institutions. Forum Martin Luck (University of Nottingham) discusses the value of undergraduate research projects.
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