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This issue contains articles on:The Art of Lecturing 2 In the second of his articles about lecturing to large classes, Trevor Habeshaw discusses the diverse needs of diverse students and how to meet them. Revolving Tutorials Gavin Dingwall (University of Wales, Aberystwyth) offers a practical solution to the problem of large numbers, limited resources and student participation. Developing Intellectual Independence Jennifer Nias (University of Plymouth) discusses the model proposed by Jane Abercrombie which is designed to help students in groups take responsibility for learning. Patenting Innovation Ruth Soetendorp (Bournemouth University) describes an innovatory interdisciplinary approach to practical teaching. A Practical Strategy Phillipa Collins (Heriot-Watt University) describes how she provides practical and complex problems for students which resemble those they may face in the workplace. Real World Computing Dave Deeks and Mark Lejk (University of Sunderland) describe group projects in which local employers are directly involved. They even award 30 per cent of the marks. The Lost Subject and Curricular Drift Alan Saunders (University of Northumbria at Newcastle) criticises current trends in HE curricula.

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