This issue contains articles on:The Art of Lecturing 1 Trevor Habeshaw discusses the difficulties of coping with ever larger classes and provides tips and insights into the art of making the lecture an effective teaching and learning tool. Students as Colleagues Edward Nuhfer (University of Colorado at Denver) presents the case for student management teams and emphasises the responsibility that goes with empowerment. A Guide to Quality Issues Jennifer Rowley (Manchester Metropolitan University) provides a useful guide to quality issues in HE by defining concepts and outlining quality assurance mechanisms. Hunters and Gatherers among the Tribes of Academe Julienne Hanson (University College, London) pursues Tony Beecher’s metaphor of “academic tribes” and finds that anthropological concepts illuminate the division of labour in academia. Mathematics and the Student Joanna Smailes (University of Northumbria at Newcastle) discusses her personal experiences of student numeracy and provides some practical advice on helping students improve their skills. Getting the Right Information Phil Sheffield (University of Leeds) explains how the British Education Index can provide an invaluable aid in keeping up-to-date with the latest findings in teaching and learning, while protecting us from the painful congestion of information overload. Credits for Career Planning Phillipa Ashton and Rosalind Healy (University of Central Lancashire) claim that their university’s innovative system of career planning is probably unique: students may obtain credits for what they learn. How Do I Get Where I Want To Be? Steve Dalton, Chrissie Gibson and Jan Moore (Manchester Metropolitan University) describe how they were involved in setting up an integrated careers education programme within the BSc (Hons) Environmental Management course at their institution. The Last Word Pooh as Pedagogue: John Tyerman Williams shows that Winnie the Pooh can provide example and inspiration to teachers in HE.
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