This issue contains articles on:A Practical Experiment Paul Arnold, Catherine O’Connell and Peter Meudell (University of Manchester) describe a new approach to teaching experimental and statistical methods in psychology. Students can make real research contributions. More Effective Seminars Russell Deacon (Cardiff Institute of Higher Education) describes the “student-centred seminar”, which is designed to benefit all students and not just the presenter. Real Business Enterprise Kate Exley and Vic Gilgeous (University of Nottingham) describe how students offer real goods and services as part of their Business Project module. Tactical Exercises and Mechatronics Edward Reed (Leeds Metropolitan University) adapts a military exercise to help students deal with problems in mechanical and electronics engineering. Communicating Skills Students acquire practical skills in data communications: ND Black and Ivan Moore (University of Ulster) explain. Engineers Fit For Industry? KM Holford and CJ Moore (University of Wales, Cardiff) discuss the changes needed for undergraduate engineering curricula if standards are to be maintained and the prestige of engineers enhanced. On Being a Student Again Helen Pennington (Massey University, New Zealand) suggests that all teachers should remind themselves of what it is like to be a student from time to time.
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