Four years ago the Government stated its expectation that there should be an overarching framework to structure professional standards in higher education. This controversial issue was the focus of the November 2005 SEDA conference where key themes of working with Professional Standards and Continuing Professional Development frameworks were explored. What has happened since then? The new national framework for professional standards in teaching and supporting learning was launched by Universities UK (UUK), the Standing Conference of Principals (SCOP) and the Higher Education Academy on 23 February 2006. The framework was developed by the Academy on behalf of UUK, SCOP and the four UK higher education funding councils with the intention of enabling a sector-owned approach to learning and teaching standards. Has this worked? Has the sector welcomed the framework as an opportunity to mesh practises and policies and overtly enhance its status? Or have the standards proved to devalue and limit professionalism? Have they produced any measurable benefits to the students’ experience?
Two years on, the annual SEDA conference revisits this theme and invites you to report on your experiences within the further and higher education arenas or offer sessions which explore the extent to which your institution has adopted the framework. We welcome sessions which problematise the relationship between the standards and continuing professional development and the extent to which the underpinning ideals have translated into reality.
The conference will seek to address the following themes:
The SEDA Conference Experience
SEDA prides itself on creating a relaxed, welcoming and positive atmosphere at conferences, which encourages open, constructive and supportive sharing of ideas, experience and practice.
Feedback from participants at recent SEDA conferences:
The conference will be of particular interest to all those involved in promoting effective change in HE learning, teaching and educational development. This includes: